The word of God is alive and powerful. We believe it has the solution to your every situation. Together let's seek wisdom and knowledge.
We encourage you to join us in reading through the Bible in 2024. 1 Chapter a Day.
We are available to pray for you when you need it, please reach out.
Our amazing leadership team of professionals includes full time Ministers, Business people, Doctors and Administrators who are committed to helping others. We take our spiritual convictions and turn them into action.
We want to see people Saved, Set-free, Healed, and Equipped through the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To Help every person Believe in Jesus, Become disciples, Behold transformation, and Build God’s Kingdom in harmony.
Rejoice in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer. Romans 12:12
Pastor Reece Bowling anointing and prophetically speaking into UMC's mission, vision, and leadership team.
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